Office and hotel buldings Victor-Gollancz-Straße Karlsruhe

Project Desctiption

The Building is located west of the main train station of Karlsruhe. Over the two continuous basement floors rise up 3 buildings, each a six or seven storey structure, one hotel and two office buildings. In the ground floor and underground there is a car park, shopping zones and technical and functional rooms.

The Structure is designed as a reinforced concrete skeleton construction. The underground floors are built of water-resistant/-impermeable concrete.

The storey slabs of the building are designed as a flat slabs, which the reinforced concrete slabs supported directly by the concrete column with a spacing of 8,10m without any usage of beams. This will allow for a high degree of flexibility.

Due to the design of the outside facilities, the floor in the underground garage are shaped thicker. To reduce the weight, hollow core elements are used in that area.

The bracing of the building is ensured by the concrete cores where the elevators and staircases are located and additionally by continuous walls. Since the building is located in an earthquake zone, a raft foundation with a massive base plate builds the basis for the building.

To ensure the sound insulation, the courtyards facing the railway tracks are closed with glass walls. Between the office buildings there is a big wall with the measurements of 41 x 19 meters. For the Horizontal loads trigonal steel trusses are used.




VGS Verwaltungs-GmbH, GeRo Real Estate AG


vielmo architekten gmbh

Building planning

Kohlbecker Gesamtplanung

Gross Area / Volume

33140 m² / 132940 m³

Realization Period

2017 – 2020